Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Jealous Girlfriends - The Jealous Girlfriends

Artist: The Jealous Girlfriends
Album: The Jealous Girlfriends
Released: Circa 2007

Not gonna lie.  I went straight to the NPR archives for 2013 to find this gem.  I won't say which show or how, lest you steal my secret ways. Enough of that! Let's get started.

The Jealous Girlfriends released this self-titled album in 2007, a year for me that was marked by graduating from undergrad and discovering the world of downloadable music.  This was a time when music podcasts were in their hay day.  It was a new frontier, where anyone could make their own music podcast and, if you had good taste, get pretty popular (my music podcast of choice was some guy out of Texas who ran a show called Dallas Does Indie).  If you loved the music that was coming out of the internet at that time, you will love this album.

Mix together Mazzy Star and Mark Oliver Everett (aka, The Eels), and you have the vocals on this album. Please click through now to their myspace page where you can stream many of the songs.  (Myspace?!? Speaking of early to mid 2000s....)

Go ahead and start your listening experience while you start reading.


The Mazzy Star and Eels combo I mentioned earlier is perhaps best exemplified by the first song Something in the Water which, apparently, according to The Internets, was featured on an episode of Grey's Anatomy. There is a nostalgia to it that makes me think I'm watching a 90s movie (lots of time traveling in this review...).

The Pink Wig To My Salieri is next and has a bit more toned down feel, especially when the na-nas kick in.  Fun fact! Salieri was apparently a rival contemporary of Mozart back in the day!

Organs on the Kitchen Floor takes on a whole different tone.  You probably have this song tucked away on one of your college mixes.  It reminds me of Fiona Apple but with more attractive vocals.  This song can only be described as a modern female take on the blues.  And I hand it to Holly Miranda (lead female vocals) for pulling this off.

And I'll just leave it there.  The songs of Myspace are highlights from the whole album but there's definitely more to be had.  If you have Spotify go forth and get this album! If you don't have Spotify, Why don't you have that shit already?


  1. you better tell me how to download this album! I have tried everything already!
