Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lorde - Pure Heroine

Artist: Lorde
Album: Pure Heroine
Release Date: September 27, 2013
You've probably heard her song Royals on the radio and thought "Why is this on the radio? This is really good..." (Can we talk about how the radio has been killing it recently though? Enjoy it while it lasts.)  She's 16, she's from New Zealand, and she has a crazy interesting voice.  I don't even know how to describe her music.  Non-obnoxious electronic/hip hop beat with a pop writing style with the good good harmonies? I hesitated to make this my pick for October because I am sure most of you have already heard the album. But fuck it.

Glory and Gore is probably my favorite upbeat song.  It's a champion's anthem and fight song.  Maybe it's because the chorus style reminds me of the chorus in Sophie B. Hawkins Damn I Wish I was Your Lower. 90s throwbacks. I DON'T KNOW. 
But for the softer side of things, Ribs is my favorite low song on the album

Maybe it's the deep, crooning vocals that I like (see: Lana Del Ray).  Either way, if you've been on the fence about giving the whole album a try, hop down. Then go get this album. 



  1. Dammit Anna Kate! Beat me to it...

  2. Sorry Cassidy! Great minds. I was nervous about reviewing this one too (see Dennis's comment on my post), but I said fuck it too and did it anyway. I can't help it- I love this album!

  3. I've got some other albums up my sleeve I need to tap into. Be on the lookout!

  4. one of you put this album in the dropbox please!

    1. I shall do that after work today if it has not been done yet! You're going to love it. Did you put Bangerz in the drop box? Kind of excited to hear it. Fun, random pop trivia: Miley Cyrus fans were badmouthing Lorde when the album came on the scene in September because they were immediately pinned as competitors due to the slightly edgier style of their respective albums. How coincidental that both those albums be on the blog for this month!

    2. ha, howabout that?
      yup, bangerz is bangin in the dropbox. lookin forward to hearing this new zealand gal.

    3. Diggin' it. Lorde is officially up loaded and waiting for your ears!

    4. Thanks! This is different, and I like it. "Royals" is the track of the year and "Tennis Court" the perfect opening track. All in all, I enjoyed this very much. Keep 'em comin'!

  5. I'm glad this happened. Ryan and I almost reviewed the same album but I told him I was doing a different album to trick him at which point he said he was doing Portugal at which point I said "HA I already did it!"

  6. The "Tennis Court" music video is the anti-video. Love the song, but it makes me so uncomfortable!
    Regardless, can't wait to hear the entire thing :)

    1. This video is insanely cool. THIS GIRL IS 16! It's equal parts creepy and brilliant. The way they've done the lighting is so smart I sort of freak out each time I see it. So good.

    2. Yea at the beginning of that video I kept something going to happen?

      Buy even the "Royals" video is so simple but good.
