A new Heartbreakers album, another gem from J. Lew, and this. As much as I wanna talk Petty, I'm going the other way on this one. I'm talkin' Strand of Oaks. I'm talkin' opposite field home run. Tie game.
I was lonely but I was having fun, I don’t
wanna start all over again
“Goshen ’97”. Start there. Track 1. Nostalgia, I’m a
sucker for it. Be honest with me
and I will listen to every single word.
A great melody and I’ll play it again and again. Make a whole album like that and I will
tell all of my friends about it. But enough about Bangerz.
Oh and just wait ‘til you get to "JM"! BIG OL GUITARS! And some beautiful lyrics.
I could say so much about the above mentioned albums. I’ve enjoyed them very much and I think
they’re great. But I will spare
you my friends of my “rock n roll never dies” rants, and my “Jenny Lewis can
a write the shit out of a song” declarations and leave you with something
I was born in the middle, maybe too late, everything good had been made
Also, rock never dies and J. Lew can write the fuck out of a song.
Been crushing this album. It's excellent. Same Emotions gets me going. Very nice