Monday, March 17, 2014

Phantogram - Voices

Released Feb 18th 2014

Phantogram according to Wikipedia: The images, when viewed from the correct vantage point and through 3D glasses to present on image to each eye, produce the illusion of solidity by mimicking the visual cues of perspective and depth perception.

According to NPR: Hazy, trip-hop-infected electronic sounds with gauzy pop melodies. 

I feel like NPR was way more accurate and am not sure when Wikipedia became so abstract in their music reviews but i'm on board. 

I came across Phantogram after they did a live performance with Antwan Daddy Fat Sax Patton (Big Boi). They introduced a melodic texture to Big Boi's rap that, I felt, brought a heightened sincerity to his sound. The newest release from the duo does not depart from this first impression.

It departs slightly from their 2011 EP Nightlife by giving up a lighter, dancier (not a word, I know) sound for a more dramatic and heavy presence. That's not to say it won't put a smile on your face, it just might not be your pre-bar jam like Nightlife's always feel good "Don't Move". 

To tie it all together, Phantogram, the band not the illusion, does indeed have a gift for making music a visual experience. The track Bill Murray (a gem) was named so because of its likeness to his sad staring face. The one that makes him such a clear choice for Wes Anderson's characters. It's spot on.

So break out your 3D glasses party people, it's good looking listen.

Happy St. Pat's! Cheers,


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