Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sébastien Tellier - Confection

Released November 14th 2013

As you can see in the aforementioned release date (look up), I did not have adequate time to listen AND JUDGE this album by our usual 15th of the month due date. You will forgive me once you've feasted on and properly digested the creme brulee dulce de leche-esque grouping of words that follow.

Recall the last time you entered a movie expecting the ultimate sensory experience of combined audio and visual stipulation only to exit feeling you were cheated two hours of your life due to the visual stimuli's draining effect of the oh so perfect audial composition. You've been there, I've been there, we've all been there. If only.. only you could extract the score, turn the lights off, and become lost in an ocean of ear porn. Well my countrymen/girls, our day has come. It has come in the form of an aging yet timeless French pop star/composer.

I dove into this delight expecting:

(perhaps the greatest thing that has ever happened to me or at the very least to youtube, perhaps music in general or at least in France.)

and what I found shocked and shocked me with its 'you're in a movie' vibe. No kidding, pop this in the ear buds and you will possibly, with a really flighty imagination, be cast as the lead role in a movie that you are actually living out. You could be the guy on his way to work and make it to your early morning after you get your desk set up bathroom break before the album ends. OR you can become that nasty villain with an unquenched thirst for real human connection who journeys for thirty-nine minutes to find true something. It's up to you Franky Coppola!

Tellier set out with two things in mind: writing the score to a movie and his recently deceased grandmother. He said recently that he was so engrossed in the two situations that each was heavily reflected in the final composition. I say to you, put on your writer/director/actor hat and finish the film.

With love



  1. I just listened to this while watching the Lion's Club Parade. I never thought the combination of clogging, kids chasing candy in the streets, and that horse taking a shit in front of me could be so surreal.

  2. after rerereading this review, I realize I didn't make it very clear that the movie he wrote this album for was never made. we'll blame this omission on the scotch. it was tasty.
