Friday, November 15, 2013

Matthew E White - Big Inner: Outer Face Edition

This husky stud muffin has been whispering sweet nothings into my ears all month. His most recent Outer Face Edition is an addition to his previously released album Big Inner. Matt's music can initially come off as painfully subtle, just plain beige at times. There are a few tracks that have to be at the most 10 beats per minute. With a clear head and a quiet soul Whites album will reveal a plethora of string and horn layers, soft but intricate bass lines all eloquently tied together with Whites baby booty soft voice. This album has a resounding theme of love; lost, found, new and old, he hits every color on the wheel. Most of these feeling are brought out by the subtle but passionate gospel/funk back up singers to help bring home the refrain. Sit back and let Mr. Whites silky soft melodies scoop you up and woo you away.

-Ryan O'Hagan

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